Top 5 Benefits of Learning Piano As An Adult
- This Is All About You! You have the desire to learn for whatever the reason otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now. So what is holding you back? Do something for yourself. In turn it will also benefit your family by bringing music in your home. Which brings the next benefit...
- Piano Music Can Enrich Your Family! According to the Gallup Survey of American Attitudes Towards Music (2000), 90% of Americans believe music brings a family closer together. Like the saying goes: A family that plays together stays together.
- Taking Piano Lessons Can Be Good For Your Health! According to the Gallup Survey of American Attitudes Towards Music (2000), 98% of the American public believes music participation is an activity that can be enjoyed throughout life, and doctors are finding that adult piano players enjoy healthier lives. Studies have determined that seniors who participated in music-making activities drastically lowered their anxiety and experienced far less loneliness and depression.
- Learning And Playing The Piano Can Uplift! Music is so much about emotion. Being able to play the piano will allow you to communicate those emotions. Whether you are feeling blue that day needing to relax or feeling completely happy and excited, the piano is a powerful tool you can use to help display those emotions in a positive way.
- Accomplish Your Musical Goals. Why do you want to learn to play the piano? Do you want to play for church someday, play for family and friends or simply enjoy learning? Whatever the reason, the difference between today and next week could mean that today you didn’t know how to play the piano, but next week you have begun the musical journey of learning. And next year you can look back and say I’m so glad I finally took the step to begin.
Now is the time to stop wishing you can play and start PLAYING! Contact me to find out more information.